The case KERVIEL : serious fault retained
-More than 10 years ago, the case hit the headlines and stirred the political world ...
Far from the turmoil of that time, the Social Chamber of the Court of Cassation has just ruled on the qualification of the dismissal of Mr. KERVIEL in ruling full with lessons.
End conclusion: The serious fault has been retained by the Court, unless the attempt of the trader to share its responsibility with the bank Société Générale, for "deficiency of internal control".
Far from the turmoil of that time, the Social Chamber of the Court of Cassation has just ruled on the qualification of the dismissal of Mr. KERVIEL in ruling full with lessons.
End conclusion: The serious fault has been retained by the Court, unless the attempt of the trader to share its responsibility with the bank Société Générale, for "deficiency of internal control".
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