Between the implementation of a mandatory “performance and value sharing plan” for MSMEs, the drastic cuts to the apprenticeship State Aid and the now new stricter standards, coming from case law,...
In line with European case law (which upholds the primacy of the right to evidence over other rights), the judges of the "Cour de Cassation" have recently decided, in a...
After abandoning their position, it is now, since January 1st, the refusal of two permanent employment contracts (over a period of 12 months) by an employee who works on a...
The Law n° 2023-622 of July 19, 2023, aimed at strengthening the protection of families with children suffering from an illness or disability or who are victims of a serious...
Law No. 2023-567 of July 7, 2023, now allows female employees who have experienced a miscarriage to benefit from enhanced protection against the termination of their employment contract.
By decree (n°2023-275) dated April 17, 2023, the French labor code now provides that an employee who voluntarily abandons his position and does not come back to work- after having...
Does the essential strategic role of human resources managers in a company confer to them the status of executive manager (cadre dirigeant), as defined by the labor law?Until recently, the...
Often accused of social dumping, European law has put in place a whole arsenal of new guarantees for the employee, from which France will directly benefit, via the law 2023-171...
The observation is clear and unanimous: complaints of sexual harassment and sexist insults are multiplying (as is shown by the explosing amount of Instagram pages “ditch your start-up”, “ditch your...
At the end of December, clarifications and limitations redesigned the framework for the payment of the Value Added Bonus, with the clear purpose of sanctioning employers who, through modulation, would pay...
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